We received the owner’s response to our Letter of Intent (LOI) on 3/17. We immediately turned around our response by the end of that week (3/21). As it appears to take them a few weeks to reply, we expect to hear back in the next week or two. Next steps are to have an in person meeting. To characterize the main discussion points:
Primarily still in the getting organized phase, and even with that our thermometer is at $113k. The benefit list is finalized and being prettied up by Dave Sciacero for publication. As you know, our initial efforts are focused on the membership. However, we are working on a variety of other paths as well. Once those get nailed down, we can provide a more detailed update.
Now, this is the exciting stuff! Michael Lively and Tom Dias (with lots of support from Brent and Bill) have put a great deal of thought into a variety of design ideas for the ice house. We have organized an Architectural/Design Committee (Michael/Tom/Bill/Brent/Mike Mizuno/Sarah/Brian D.) which began discussing these ideas last week. We are considering the costs/benefits and hope to put forward a recommendation in the next few weeks. Once the design is agreed to, we can complete a detailed project budget and timeline for Board review.