It’s been a while since we’ve posted an update on dedicated ice and quite a bit has transpired since the last update. With a new board coming in and lots of new people getting involved after the March 15 DI Vote and subsequent approval, lots of new activity is kicking off. We hope to be aggregating updates from the committees on a weekly basis to update this space…

Steering Committee

(high level and misc. issues):

  • Lease Negotiations: Several exchanges have been held with current owners of the Hayward facility and negotiations continue. While the meetings have been very positive, the owners been slow in responding – delaying many of our other plans. Next negotiation meeting with the owners is scheduled for Thursday May 15.
  • New Website: A new internet destination was created to house all of our public content around this topic:



  • Hayward project approval process is more complex, extensive, and time consuming than anticipated. The projected 8-week application review period for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) has been pushed out to 12 weeks  due to our request for a liquor license.
  • We were prepared but elected not to submit the CUP in April due to delays in the lease negotiations. Current plan is to submit in June with a projected September approval.
  • The board approved expenses related to the CUP application totaling $3,440 for consultation with a traffic engineer and landscape architect.
  • We continue to receive bids for various aspects of the build-out as we build a more detailed schedule and cost structure.



  • Current total: $125,130 raised.
  • A New Phase: Starting to go beyond the “opportunistic” phase of fundraising into a more methodical fundraising effort. Members and friends of the club should expect phone calls shortly.
  • Silicon Valley Gives: We raised $8,800, which includes $4,000 in matching funds from the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation. Thanks to all those who contributed, and special thanks to Alice Mansell for bringing the opportunity to our attention and to Sarah Walsh for coordinating and maximizing our opportunity to receive the matching funds.
  • Poker Tournament: We’re planning a fundraising poker tournament and BBQ in Pleasant Hill on July 12. We intend to primarily attract non-curlers to this event, but all our welcomed so mark your calendars.
  • Dedicated Ice at the Golden Gate Bonspiel: A few folks have funded a free pitcher of beer for each Golden Gate Bonspiel team to encourage DI donations. Stay tuned for post-bonspiel updates. In addition to direct donations, net profits from the bonspiel go to our dedicated ice initiative.

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